Palm Beach, Florida Forensic Psychologist
Dr. Barone provides expert psychological consultation to attorneys in Family Law cases. Divorce is never an easy decision or process. Many times couples can jointly agree on the terms of their marital settlement, parental responsibilities, and child visitation (time-sharing) arrangements. However, sometimes couples do not agree, and have on-going conflict between them. To litigate the conflict may be extremely expensive and ultimately unrewarding.
Psychological Testing and Psychological Evaluations in family court:
Court-appointment to evaluate both children and adults. Skillful administration and interpretation of psychological tests. Such measures may assess personality patterns, as well as clinical mental health conditions. Written report and consultation with attorneys and treating professionals may be included.
Family Mediation / Divorce Mediation
Family Mediation / Divorce Mediation is an alternate dispute resolution method to assist the separating or divorcing couple to decide the fair and equitable distribution of marital property and/or develop a parenting plan. The mediation takes place outside the courtroom and the parents’ written agreement is filed with the court. It is a cost effective way for the parents to decide what is best for their family, rather than have the court decide what is best for their family. See Florida Statute 61.125
Parenting Coordination
An alternate dispute resolution method to assist parents in creation of child visitation (time-sharing) plan and other matters related to parenting. May be ordered by the court in cases where a mediated agreement cannot be reached. There may be concerns about domestic violence, substance abuse, or mental health that impact the parents progress in reaching an agreement. See Florida Statute 61.125.
Social Investigation / Custody Evaluation
Shall be ordered by the court. A Social Investigation (custody evaluation) will assist and advise the court in determining matters pertaining to the time-sharing and the parental responsibilities of the parents. This is a complete psycho-social, functional, and psychological assessment of both the parents and the children. It results in an extensive report to the court with recommendations regarding the best interests of the children, following the guidelines set by Florida Statute. See Florida Statute 61.20. Consultation with attorneys provided.
- For information in Palm Beach County visit https://www.15thcircuit.com/services/ufc/family
Family Therapy
Brief, solution-guided psychotherapy which focuses on improving communication skills and strengthening healthy patterns of interaction to increase positive family functioning. An ecological approach will guide the treatment. In this perspective, we view the family as a unit, each member making an important contribution to the smooth functioning of the family. Each member has an effect on the unit as a whole. Change in one member affects each of the other members. Treatment is time limited. Treatment plan is developed by the whole family. Measurable goals, with written homework to reinforce learned skills.
Helpful Information About Divorce in Florida
According to the Florida Bar: In Florida, a divorce is called a “dissolution of marriage.”
Florida is one of the many states that have abolished fault as a ground for dissolution of marriage. The only requirement to dissolve a marriage is for one of the parties to prove that the marriage is “irretrievably broken.” Either spouse can file for the dissolution of marriage. You must prove that a marriage exists, one party has been a Florida resident for six months immediately preceding the filing of the petition, and the marriage is irretrievably broken. The reason for the irretrievable breakdown, however, may be considered under certain limited circumstances in the determination of alimony, equitable distribution of marital assets and debts, and the development of the parenting plan.
About Dr. Barone | Palm Beach Clinical Psychologist and Forensic Psychologist
Dr Barone began her professional career as an educator in New York City public schools as a special education teacher. She has eight years experience in the child protective services system of Florida. She is an expert in child development and family dynamics. She practiced over ten years as a licensed clinical social worker specializing in child and adolescent disorders, including learning disorders before she obtained a doctorate in clinical child psychology. An internship focused on forensic psychology where she practiced in a forensic psychiatric hospital. She is an expert witness in Florida 15th Judicial Circuit in family, civil/probate, and criminal court.
Please call Dr. Barone for a one on one phone consultation regarding your situation. Note, Dr. Barone is not an attorney and encourages anyone invovled in the legal system to seek the advice of legal counsel. Dr. Barone is a licensed psychologist in Florida with specialties in clinical and forensic psychology.
Use of this web-site is for informational purposes only. Interactions with Dr. Barone from this web-site are not to be considered a patient-doctor relationship.